Mary Hynes Presents at Anti-Oppression Symposium
On March 12, Mary Hynes (MSc student in the DATE Lab) presented about Ageism in Medicine, Community Health and Health Care at the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine LEAD Anti-Oppression Symposium. In her PhD work, Mary focuses on older adults working together for goal setting to improve resilience and to reduce health risks. Her research involves virtual groups of older adults from across Ontario learning about SMART goal setting, setting a goal and reporting back to a group monthly for support as they continue or modify their goal or create a new one for the next meeting over a six-month period. After the study, participants will be encouraged to continue SMART goal setting and engagement. Participants will also have the opportunity to become facilitators for new groups. The older adults who take part in the research will gain skills in taking charge of their health. The new knowledge and attitudes should act against helplessness and ageism tropes.
LEAD (Learner Equity Action and Discussion) is an initiative of The Office of Inclusion and Diversity.